Lesson Plan: First Day of School Best Practices

Lesson Plan: First Day of School Best Practices

Here's a streamlined 60-minute lesson plan that incorporates the essential components. This plan incorporates the important aspects while ensuring that the first day feels organized, welcoming, and engaging.

Lesson Plan: First Day of School Best Practices

Grade: Any (adjust as necessary)
Duration:60 minutes


To set a positive tone, introduce course content, establish classroom norms, and foster student-teacher rapport.

Materials Needed:

- Welcome board/sign
- Classroom rules and expectations poster
- Curriculum overview handouts
- 'About Me' forms for students


1. Arrival & Setup (5 minutes)
- Welcome students with the board/sign.
- Distribute 'About Me' forms.
2. Greeting & First Impressions (5 minutes)
- Stand by the door and greet each student with a smile.
- Introduce yourself and make a brief welcoming statement.
3. Icebreaker Activity (15 minutes)
-Group students according to their hobbies or interests in a fun and interactive way.
-Once all students have found their groups, ask each group to share something related to their hobby.
4. Classroom Routines & Expectations (5 minutes)
- Introduce key classroom routines.
5. Curriculum Overview (10 minutes)
- Introduce the curriculum overviews.
- Highlight the main topics and performance standards.
6. About Me' Forms (10 minutes)
- Students fill out forms while soft background music plays.
- Collect the forms and mention that you're excited to get to know each of them better.
7. Safety Brief and Open Communication (5 minutes)
- Quickly touch on essential safety procedures.
- Encourage open communication, sharing your preferred method (e.g., office hours, email).
8. Feedback & Closing (5 minutes)
- Ask students how they're feeling about the upcoming year.
- Conclude by emphasizing your excitement and commitment to a successful school year.


Monitor student engagement during activities. Review the 'About Me' forms for insights into students' interests and backgrounds.


Ask students to bring in their essential supplies by a specified date and to write one goal they have for the year.

Reflection (Post-lesson):

After the class, note what worked well and areas for potential refinement for the next first day.

Lesson Plan: First Day of School Best Practices

Lesson Plan: First Day of School Best Practices - DOWNLOAD

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