RPMS Objective 8: Participated in collegial discussions that use teacher and learner feedback to enrich teaching

RPMS Objective 8: Participated in collegial discussions that use teacher and learner feedback to enrich teaching practice. (PPST 4.4.2)

RPMS Objective 8, aligning with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) 4.4.2, highlights the importance of engaging educators in collaborative discussions to enhance their teaching methods. These collegial discussions allow teachers to share their experiences, learn from each other, and incorporate valuable insights from students and peers. The ultimate goal is continuously improving teaching practices, creating dynamic classrooms, and fostering a supportive learning environment.

Means of Verification (MOVs): To ensure the implementation and progress of Objective 8, specific means of verification (MOVs) are established: Reflection notes of teachers on their demonstration of teaching practices following participation from LAC sessions / FGDs / meetings / other collegial discussions that use teacher and learner feedback to enrich teaching practice.

Proof of Attendance: Documentation of participation in various collegial discussions, such as Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), meetings, and other similar forums, indicates an educator's active involvement.

Minutes of Collegial Discussions: Official minutes or records of the discussions provide valuable insights into the topics covered, ideas exchanged, and action points decided upon regarding using teacher and learner feedback to enrich teaching practice.

Teacher Reflection Notes: Teachers are encouraged to maintain reflective notes after participating in collegial discussions. These notes showcase how the feedback received from peers and learners has influenced their teaching methods. Specific examples of changes made, challenges faced, and improvements observed should be included.

Follow-Up Sessions Attendance: If follow-up sessions are conducted to assess the implementation of feedback-based improvements, attendance records should be collected as part of the verification process.

Equivalent ALS Forms/Documents: Any alternate or equivalent forms or documents the educational institution or system employs to highlight compliance with Objective 8 should also be considered.

DOWNLOAD examples of Objective 8 accepted Means of Verifications (MOV)
Minutes of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) - DOWNLOAD
Minutes of LAC Session -  DOWNLOAD
Minutes of Collegial Discussions - DOWNLOAD
Teacher Reflection Notes on LAC - DOWNLOAD
Peer Observation Notes (Sample 1) - DOWNLOAD
Peer Observation Notes (Sample 2) - DOWNLOAD
Teacher Reflection Notes on Collegial Discussion - DOWNLOAD

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