DepEd Format - Anecdotal Record, Learner’s Needs, Progress and Achievement Cardex, Parents Guardian Communication Cardex

DepEd Format - Anecdotal Record, Learner’s Needs, Progress and Achievement Cardex, Parents Guardian Communication Cardex

This document can be used to support the RPMS Objective 12 - Communicate promptly and clearly the learners’ needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders, including parents/guardians. (PPST Indicator 5.4.2)

In this article, we will learn how to share important information about students' needs, progress, and achievements with their parents or guardians. Communication with key stakeholders, like parents, helps teachers provide better academic support to students. We can communicate through talking one-on-one, group meetings, home visits, or general gatherings.

Here's what we'll explore:
(a) How to use different communication methods at school,
(b) When to share student information through these methods,
(c) How to use tools to keep track of students' school status.

COMMUNICATION means sharing information about students' needs, progress, and achievements with stakeholders.
STUDENT NEEDS are observable behaviors or attitudes that teachers must address promptly.
STUDENT PROGRESS is the stages of a student's academic journey.
STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT is outstanding performance in curricular or co-curricular activities.

To communicate effectively, we need to:

1. Be clear: When talking to parents or guardians, it's better to meet them in person rather than just sending a letter.
2. Be prompt: We can communicate progress and achievements through regular parent meetings or whenever the need arises.
3. Respect confidentiality: Choose communication methods based on the information's sensitivity and the stakeholders' situation.
4. Use tracking tools: Develop tools for both us and stakeholders to sign as an agreement and keep track of communicated information.
5. Focus on the positive: Apart from addressing concerns, let's also share students' achievements to celebrate their successes.

Personal dialogue is suitable for discussing grades, behavior, counseling, and personal concerns like relationships or health issues. For home visits, they should be used when other methods aren't effective, for issues like absenteeism or family problems. General assemblies or forums are great for sharing information of general interest and encourage participation from all stakeholders.

Remember, documentation is essential. It ensures we don't overlook anything important. We will present suggested tools and templates to help us with this task.

Template No. 1: Learner’s Needs, Progress and Achievement Cardex

The template consists of the following parts:

• Date Reported. This indicates the date when a behavioral incident was observed or an academic comment is recorded.
• Report Intended for. This determines the category of the reported observation which can be need, progress or achievement.
• Details of Concern. This presents a brief description of the report.
• Action to be Taken. This indicates the appropriately chosen mode of communication which can be dialogue, consultation, home visitation or assembly/ forum.
• Remarks of Action Taken. This contains the status of reported observation or incident. It also serves as our general evaluation about the concern. We may also write the persons we communicated with.
• Remarks. This provides additional space for important notes.

Learner’s Needs, Progress and Achievement Cardex - DOWNLOAD 
Learner’s Needs, Progress and Achievement Cardex - DOWNLOAD 

Template No. 2: Parent/Guardian Communication Cardex

The template consists of the following parts:

• Date Reported. This indicates the date of encounter with the parents.
• Type of encounter. This shows the mode of communication used during the encounter.
• Details of concern. This provides a brief description of the reason why the encounter has to be done.
• Agreed Resolution. This specifies a brief description of the agreed resolution between the parent and the teacher regarding the details of concern.
• Signature over Printed Name. This column provides space for the parent and teacher to sign. This confirms that there was, indeed, an agreement between both parties.
• Remarks. This provides additional space for important notes.

Parent/Guardian Communication Cardex - DOWNLOAD
Parent/Guardian Communication Cardex - DOWNLOAD

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