Mass Deworming Administration Procedure (MDAP) Guide and manual

Mass Deworming Administration Procedure (MDAP) Guide

Deworming is done semi-annually, in the presence of a health personnel, in coordination with DOH, and with parent’s consent. Providing the right information to your school community about deworming helps them to understand the value of the activity.

The goal of deworming a community is to eventually get rid of all the worms in the environment, this is why the Department of Health is giving away the medicine for free. The administration of the medicine for deworming is voluntary and will not be done without consent of a child's parent or guardian.

Recently it was reported allegedly that a student died and seven of her classmates were hospitalized after taking deworming tablets in their school.

To prevent Serious Adverse Events (SAES), Mass Deworming administration shall be done in accordance with the Mass Deworming Administration Procedure (MDAP) Guide.
  1. Mass deworming is done by health personnel or by teachers in the presence of health personnel (Source: Deped Order no. 10, S. 2016)
  2. The school needs to ensure that clean drinking water is available on the treatment day!
Funding for effective implementation of WinS Program shall be sourced from the School Maintenance & Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) (Source: Deped Order no. 10, S. 2016)



  1. Prepare enrollment list.
  2. Ensure availability of deworming and supportive drugs.
  3. Be familiar with the following information:

Recommended drug for MDA

The DOH recommends the following drugs for treatment: 
  • Albendazole 400mg chewable, flavoured tablet
  • Mebendazole 500mg chewable, flavoured tablet
Precautionary Measures on Mass Deworming Albendazole or Mebendazole is not recommended if the child: 
  •  Is seriously ill
  • Has high fever
  • Is experiencing abdominal pain
  • Has diarrhea
  • Has previously experienced allergies with the taking the drug
Serious Adverse Events (SAE) following deworming MDAP shall ensure that the children will take deworming drugs on a full stomach.


  1. Clean drinking water should be available at the school for every student on the deworming day.
  2.  Each learner shall receive one tablet of Albendazole or Mebendazole.
  3. The MDAP should ensure that each child chews and swallows the tablet.
  4. The names of the children who are absent on NSDD should be recorded by the teacher and these children should be treated when they return to school.
  5. Children who are ill on deworming day should not receive the drugs. This is not because of any danger of adverse events, but to prevent the potential misconception that the deworming medicine caused the symptoms from the illness. These children should be given the deworming medicine later when they are well again. 
  6. Ensure all Rural Health Units and hospitals are ready for SAE referrals.
  7. Ensure that the required number of drugs is available.


  1. The class adviser shall make sure that all children in the masterlist were given deworming drugs.
  2.  NSDD point person to collate and submit the report (see Annex C).
The Mass Drug Administration Provider (MDAP) administers the deworming drugs. This can be a teacher supervised by a health personnel from DepEd, DOH, or the LGU who have the capacity and background in health, administration of deworming drugs, and management of adverse events.
All enrolled children in public elementary schools shall be simultaneously dewormed by the health personnel or a teacher in the presence of a health personnel. › Members of PTA, Barangay Health Workers, and Community Health Teams will assist in the deworming.

Mass Deworming Administration Procedure (MDAP) Guide

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