Basic Education Early Registration Form for School Year 2025-2026

Basic Education Early Registration Form for School Year 2025-2026

Pursuant with the DepEd Order No. 03, s. 2018, "Basic Education Enrollment Policy", and DO 09, s. 2024 or the "Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year (SY) 2024-2025", the conduct of the Early Registration for incoming Kindergarten, Grades 1, 7, and 11 learners in public schools for School Year 2025-2026 shall commence on 25 January 2025 and ends on 15 February 2025.

Early registration is conducted to ensure that all new entrants for the abovementioned grade-levels are registered.

All public elementary and secondary schools shall be guided accordingly of the following matters:

1. Early registration may be done through face-to-face registration within the schools and/or implement other means of reaching out to learners and collecting early registration forms.

2. Public elementary and secondary schools shall use the printed or electric copy of the Basic Education Early Registration Form to ensure that necessary information in registering incoming Kindergarten, Grades 1, 7, and 11 learners are properly captured. A copy of the said Form is attached as Annex 1 to this memorandum and can be downloaded here:

3. Daily reporting of the school's early registration data in the Learner Information System (LIS) Early Registration facility shall be done using the School Head or School Administrator account.

4. Authorities of public and private schools are instructed to strictly enforce and implement the kindergarten cut-off age as stipulated in DO 020, s. 2018 (Amendment to DepEd Order no. 47, s. 2016).

5. Schools shall also intensify the conduct of child-mapping or house-to-house activities to encourage parents/guardians to register school-aged children and Out-of-School Children and Youth (OSCY) in the communities.

6. Schools Division Superintendents and school heads shall facilitate the conduct of advocacy campaigns within their respective jurisdictions to inform the general public and encourage parents/guardians of prospective learners to participate in the Early Registration for SY 2025-2026.

For more information, please contact the Policy and Planning Service - Education Management Information System Division (PPS-EMISD) through email at, or you may visit them on 2nd Floor, Teodora Alonzo Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.

Basic Education Early Registration Form - DOWNLOAD

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