July 25 DOST Press Statement

25 July 2021

There are posts currently circulating online and being shared in various social networking services stating there is a tropical cyclone named "MARIA" will be hitting the country as a "Super Typhoon". To prevent unwanted panic on the part of the public, we would like to make the following clarifications.

Based from all available data, apart from Typhoon "IN-FA" and Tropical Storm "NEPARTAK outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) there are no other tropical cyclones that are expected to enter the PAR and affect the Philippine landmass within the next 3-5 days.

Official information is being released by PAGASA through the following official accounts:

Website: bagong.pagasa.dost.gov.ph
Facebook: Dost_pagasa YouTube: DOST-PAGASA WEATHER REPORT
Twitter: @dost_pagasa

The public is advised to undertake precautionary measures, continue monitoring for updates and remain vigilant against unofficial information coming from unverified sources.

Chief, Weather Forecasting Section

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